Cookingbookclub 8

Well, spring comes tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and with it a new proposal for our #cookingbookclub of this month.

I hope you haven’t forgotten that this year we have the #321sourcesofinspiration for our disastrous cooking. 3 Romanian sites, 2 surprise books and 1 piece of Youtube channel.

The second proposal is the Mega Image recipe site. And here you can also choose from many recipes, divided into categories, including new or seasonal recipes. In addition, you have video recipes, if the pictures and texts do not satisfy you. 🙂

Like last time, try new recipes, things you don’t usually cook.

The deadline for reading, choosing a recipe, trying, photographing and sending feedback is April 10th. (Just a picture and a link to the original recipe.)

Read all the #cookingbookclub articles here.

See here all the disasters in the kitchen.