We end this year with the #cookingbookclub proposal number 18 (wow!!!). Martha Stewart is an institution itself, she cooks, crochets, plants and when she gets bored she posts on all the social networks and on the website. At 80! :))) You can search for shows on Youtube or on TV, read her books or choose
Cookingbookclub 17 | Stanley Tucci’s recipes
Since we all come from a Traian, of course the list of recipes to try was super-ultra-mega long. 😀 Great thing, at least in my case, that I’m fussy. 🙂 Bruschetta con pomodoro meaning tomato bruschetta: toast, on top of which you put chopped red tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil. I added some celery and
Cookingbookclub 17
This month the #cookingbookclub proposal is an actor/ cookbook author about his Italian family/ producer of culinary shows on CNN and great head of cocktails at the Insta-corona division. 🙂 The only and incomparable Stanley Tucci, about whom I admit that until this year I did not know much, except that he has nice roles
Cookingbookclub 16 | Adi Hădean’s recipes
I don’t know why, but I don’t feel like cooking this time of year. Either my brain is on vacation or it’s from the heat. 🙂 So today we have a recipe instead of the recipes… Plus I like what Adi’s mother cooks, all those pies that look great in pictures, but I’m not allowed
Cookingbookclub 16
This month we have a local proposal again. 🙂 I admit that I have no idea who the most famous Chefs in Romania are, I haven’t watched the shows and the chances of recognizing a person on the street are about zero… not that they aren’t very famous, but because I am nonstop with my
Cookingbookclub 14 | Jamila’s recipes
The good thing about Jamila is that she has instructions, text and video. So from the three combined you should have an approximately similar product at the end. I insist on the word “approximately” because obviously I didn’t really get what she had in the pictures. :)))))) That’s why the old cookbooks were good, with
Cookingbookclub 14
I may have told you before, but every time my mother calls me to tell me that she had cooked something new, she found her recipes on the site at Jamila Cuisine. 🙂 I know, you would expect that after so many episodes, disasters would be the first source of inspiration in the family. Still,
Cookingbookclub 13 | Gordon Ramsay’s recipes
Last year there was #321sourcesofinspiration. This year comes with #foodfriendsandlove. And Gordon Ramsay, who cooks for friends. 🙂 What is Gordon telling us? That he teaches his children that if you want to live to old age and for a healthy lifestyle, you have to eat well. This also means knowing where the food comes
Cookingbookclub 13
Well, with this article we enter season 3 of our reading and cooking club, which, surprisingly, has generated some disastrously tasty attempts in the past years. I don’t know about you, but I relaxed looking for recipes through books, websites and Youtube. And let’s not start talking about the extra kilograms. :))))) As you have