Welcome to 2020! I hope the pots, spoons and your hob are ready for a new season #disasterinthekitchen. 🙂 Don’t panic if you burn something, we all know that lightly burnt food is the best… plus you get the badges of honor of our extremely select club. 😛
This year we deviate a little from the original idea – to cook from books – and we become slightly more inclusive, which, I must admit, is extremely difficult in Romania. Details, in private, at an omelette with lemonade. 😀
So in 2020 we have #321sourcesofinspiration for our disastrous cooking. More precisely, as with the isler dough, we will cook from 3 Romanian sites, 2 surprise books and 1 piece of Youtube channel.
I tried to find resources in the native language – yessss, so my mother will also cook 😛 – although I didn’t succeed 100%. Whims and talents, that’s why. :))))
With this extremely long introduction and in your excited cheers, let me present you the first proposal of this year. The first Romanian site is Lidl Kitchen and it offers us over 1200 recipes, through which you can search directly or by categories. The nice part is that for each recipe you have a serving counter, on the right side of the menu, which can help you estimate your ingredients correctly. (If it doesn’t go to approximate from the eyes… 😉 )
If you have already cooked recipes from this site, well, look for new recipes. If you haven’t cooked, here’s a chance! 🙂 And if you turn up your nose that it’s a site and it’s not a cookbook, hello, so what? 🙂
Of course we also have a theme: I suggest you try something other than the usual cooking. 🙂
The deadline for reading, choosing a recipe, trying, photographing and sending feedback is February 10. (All we need is a picture and a link to the original recipe.)
Read all the #cookingbookclub articles here.
See here all the disasters in the kitchen.