Especially for the woman in you, overcooked brownies. ❤ I almost burned them – logically – but how good they came out, you can’t even imagine !!!! 😛
Well, I had the recipe for many years, but this is the first time I’ve done it. Which is why I kept the cake in the oven longer than I should to be sure it was made. :))) As Chef says, brownies is one of the cakes you don’t try with the toothpick. As a result, you either get it or you don’t get it. 😛
How to make: 250g dark chocolate, 200g butter, 300g brown sugar (I put half-half, brown and regular caster sugar), 4 tablespoons apple juice heat gently in a saucepan, mixing on a bain marie or directly on the fire, if you move fast). The idea is to melt, not to boil. 🙂 Cold, mix with 4 eggs, put one at a time (if you have patience), 200g flour, some salt, cinnamon and 100g dried apples (now I realize I put a normal apple, grated and it was super ok). Pour the batter into a tray on baking paper and bake at the medium heat for about 30 minutes. When ready it is slightly moist, although the dough is dense.
It is one of the recipes in which I kept the original amount of sugar. It comes out sweet, but you don’t eat the whole tray at once. 😀 Only a piece with the coffee. 🙂
On the internet you will find different variants, in which dried fruits or flakes, etc. are added. I think you can play with various recipes, until you find the option you like.
See here all the disasters in the kitchen.