Plum tart, low sugar version. I used a round tray, suitable for exactly 4 servings. It is a tart with less dough and a lot of fruits, yummmy. 🙂
The dough is also half the normal amount: I made two sheets of 125g flour with 63g butter and 3 tablespoons of cold water, a pinch of salt. Mixed, refrigerated.

Plum filling: about 1 kg of fruit, peeled, washed, cut in half with 1 tablespoon of sugar, cooked together over low heat until the sugar melts and the fruit changes color slightly. But don’t make them jam. 🙂 At the end, mix with half a tablespoon of flour (or breadcrumbs) and leave to cool.
Spread 2 round sheets of dough, line the tray with the first sheet, add the fruits, which should not be juicy, put the second sheet on top, close and cut from place to place or prick with a fork. Put it in the fridge for about half an hour.

Bake at the medium heat for 40-60 minutes. I baked the first 20 minutes with aluminum foil on top, after which I removed it. It is ready when the dough is baked and the filling is bubbly. 🙂
To be consumed cold. 🙂 If you resist to wait. :))))
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