The chicken: whole chicken legs, Romanian and not American (to fit in the pan), seasoned with a mix of spices (salt, pepper, cumin, rosemary, etc.), some unpeeled garlic cloves, smoked bacon (homemade preferably, if you don’t have, just buy from the store). Olive oil, a little water. Arranged nicely in the oven tray.
Vegetables: zucchini, red and yellow bell peppers, leeks, celery, white onions. Or what you have around the house, but the more varied and colorful, the better. 🙂 Cut into large pieces and grilled. When ready, mix them in a bowl with fresh basil, salt and a little olive oil.

Super good. Disastrously good. Of course I didn’t make them. 🙂
See all the kitchen disasters here. 🙂 If you try the recipe, don’t forget to post pictures on our facebook page.