Special [HungarianfromArdeal] ep. – karalábéleves or kohlrabi soup

I was visiting friends and I left, like the Romanian from Transylvania, with about three recipes for Hungarian soups. 😛 Today we have karalábéleves kohlrabi soup, extremely vegan, because the base was vegetable soup. :))

For my kohlrabi soup I chopped some red onions and grated a cleaned kohlrabi (you can also chop the leaves if they are tender); I put them in a pot with a little sunflower oil and some salt to lightly harden, then I poured over the vegetable base (carrots, onions and parsnips boiled with water and vegeta, then strained the juice and use it in other dishes). At the end, ground pepper and some chopped celery leaves.

My girl friend also puts chopped peppers – only I forgot, like a disaster that I am 😀 – and in the end she thickens it with the traditional “rântaș” (flour hardened in a little oil).

If you want to be even closer to the traditional recipe, then throw in the pot onions, some smoked bacon or kaizer cut into small pieces and kohlrabi, fry in oil and quench with water. At the end, rântaş and dumplings made of flour like for goulash (csipetke, egg mixed with flour).

See all the kitchen disasters here. 🙂  If you try the recipe, don’t forget to post pictures on our facebook page.