Cookingbookclub 3 | Children’s recipes

The third book proposed at the cookingbookclub in March / April was Ultimate Children’s Cookbook.

I’m a big fan of colorful books (well, there is an explanation 🙂), with simple, nutritious and balanced recipes. What I liked about the book is that there are recipes that can be cooked by children or with children – knowing that in these modern worlds these little ones think that everything grows on the shelf in the supermarket or in the oven at McD.

Of all the books I have read so far, it is the closest in style to what I cook in general, fast food or salads. As a result, this Friday we will have a feast of several kinds. 🙂 Yeah, I couldn’t just decide on a recipe. :)))

From our gang we will also have a vegetarian recipe. Next week. 🙂

And I don’t know why, but I have a feeling we’ll meet it again. The book and its recipes. 🙂

The next virtual meeting of our club will be at the beginning of July.

Read all the #cookingbookclub articles here.

See here all the disasters in the kitchen.