A pink disaster and a sausage maker met into a car. That’s why they became friends, posed for a picture and the story below resulted. โค ๐
The miracle ingredient is not pork, as you might be tempted to believe, but the holy clove of garlic. ๐ Cleaned, ground, rubbed with salt until all the oils are activated in the atmosphere and the undead are put under the bed. ๐ Then, and only then, you can take out of the closet the rest of the spices, salt, pepper, thyme, allspice, coriander, sweet or hot paprika and anything else that unclogs your taste buds. ๐
The making of sausages should be included in the compulsory activities scheduled by any respectful hr. Because it takes at least four skillful hands to prepare the spicy meat and to turn it into sausages. Who would have thought that sausages don’t actually grow on the supermarket shelf, who, who? ๐
The professional team in the picture generated a basin eyes full as fast as you would say “fresh homemade sausages” with the help of the sausage maker, the absolute star of the evening. ๐ Of course intestines are organic and eco, lol.
The sausages are seasoned with fresh pickles for the St. Nicholas meal. Vegans can limit themselves to pickles, lol.
Well, this is one of the recipes in which burning well, on all sides, is even indicated. :)))) This after they were left to dry for several days and eventually smoked.
See here all the disasters in the kitchen.