Cookingbookclub 18 | Martha Stewart’s recipes

Disaster no. 1: It was supposed to be Potato Galette with Smoked Salmon, but a sort of smoked salmon potato salad came out. Boiled potatoes. Smoked salmon. Some finely chopped sour cucumbers. A dressing of lemon zest with mayo. And that’s it. :))))

Disaster no. 2: the chicken salad tarts turned into a salad with a fork (don’t ask !!). 😀 If you want to make it at home, go to the store and buy ready-made pies (they are in Auchan, you can find them in other stores as well) or use tortilla shells (they are in Carrefour) and you have got rid of the biggest hassle. How to make it: boiled chicken breast – I used chicken breast, chilled and finely chopped mix with version a) diced Granny Smith sour apples and very little finely chopped onion or version b) chopped celery stalks and some fresh horseradish or pickled. Dressing is mayonnaise with lemon and French mustard, salt and pepper. I preferred a dressing with less mayonnaise, which would only give a bit of taste to the salads – that is, don’t put the whole jar !!! :)))))) Aunt Stewart combined mayonnaise with Greek yogurt, with apples.

Disaster no. 3: mini empanadas, you can find the basic recipe on the website. This disaster will have a separate article, just a comment, do not bother to do mini-stuff if you do not have the patience of an old Spanish. :)))) I think that the local version is called “bușeuri”, but I’m still studying the problem and will be coming back. 😀 Anyway, they are great for meals with friends, you make a bowl, put it on the table, put a sauce next to it and you’re done. 😛

It should have been a disaster no. 4, super sweet, but I ran out of energy. :)))))

With this #cookingbookclub article from this year, I wish you as many recipes destroyed before Christmas, on Christmas and after Christmas. And if you burn something good and interesting, call your friends with confidence. 🙂

#foodfriendslove and whatever would be, don’t forget to enjoy the food, the sun, the earth and to breath <3

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Read all the #cookingbookclub articles here. See here all the disasters in the kitchen. And if you’re passionate about #cakesandcoffee, click here. Remember that prevention is easier than treating and that you can’t burn recipes successfully if you don’t know first aid in the kitchen – read more here.