I found a perfect recipe, now all I have to do is make a list of ingredients. Maybe I have them around the house, in the fridge, freezer or pantry? Or do I have to go shopping… What kind of ingredients must be in the kitchen?
It is logical that in addition to the utensils, you also need ingredients to be able to cook, otherwise I hope you have the phone numbers from the deliveries. 😀 Depending on the recipes and especially the preferences, everyone makes a stock of products, which they can turn into different dishes, simpler or more complicated. Nowadays we buy depending on the budget and seasonality, and sometimes local or organic or vegan, each according to principles and possibilities, plus food allergies. 🙂
Again, you will need to consider how much you cook and what storage space you have, so as not to throw away unused and spoiled ingredients (which would be super tragic). When I say ingredients, I mean different meats, vegetables, fruits, cheese, flour, sugar, and so on.
The list of must-have ingredients contains: onion and garlic, used in a variety of foods, lemons, oil, salt, pepper, sugar and various spices. When you start cooking, you will see that you will hit this list very often. Even if you season with the classic salt and pepper, I recommend you try other spices and you will see how quickly you will reach the level of Disaster Chef. 😀
I have all the ingredients I need, so in Episode 4 I start cooking.
No matter how disastrous you are, you can learn to cook in your own kitchen (or you can burn your friends’ kitchen, no problem :P). Read here all the episodes of the CRASH COURSE IN COOKING brought to you by #disasterinthekitchen. And get to work, come on, we want to see some photos! 🙂