Cookingbookclub 13 | Gordon Ramsay’s recipes

Last year there was #321sourcesofinspiration. This year comes with #foodfriendsandlove. And Gordon Ramsay, who cooks for friends. 🙂

What is Gordon telling us? That he teaches his children that if you want to live to old age and for a healthy lifestyle, you have to eat well. This also means knowing where the food comes from (so you can understand why I’m commenting on labels 🙂 ). That if you have the patience and ambition, you can prepare good food at home. (That’s what we also knew from parents and grandparents. 🙂 ) And that you can educate your taste (even if it’s a disaster 🙂 ). And that a recipe is just a guide, adding, removing ingredients or creating something else from it is pure pleasure in the kitchen. Totally agree. 🙂

What I cooked:

Grilled eggplant with feta, mint and balsamic vinegar – here’s the recipe.

Linguini with feta, lemon and pumpkin seeds – here’s the recipe.

If you sense a theme (feta!) It’s because I had to cook more stuff and finish this ingredient from the fridge, otherwise it would spoil. 🙂

In other words, when you cook from a cookbook you may not be able to do much, even if it sounds super interesting, if you can’t find the ingredients at the store. 🙂

Good luck trying recipes from Gordon Ramsay – the more disastrous it sounds, the better 😀 – and see you soon with the next proposal for #cookingbookclub #disasterinthekitchen. 🙂

#foodfriendslove and whatever would be, don’t forget to enjoy the food, the sun, the earth and to breath <3

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Read all the #cookingbookclub articles here. See here all the disasters in the kitchen. And if you’re passionate about #cakesandcoffee, click here. Remember that prevention is easier than treating and that you can’t burn recipes successfully if you don’t know first aid in the kitchen – read more here.