Well, this is obviously an invented title. 🙂 But what would be the combination of pasta, eggplant and mozzarella called? (If you have better ideas, I look forward to them). 🙂
This recipe looks like a lasagna, only I put a limited amount of pasta (did you succeed? I did it!).
So you measure 100g of wholemeal pasta, no more, no less, then boil them al dente. Don’t ruin them, please, no matter how disaster you are! 🙂
Meanwhile, you prepare the vegetables; I used an eggplant, a red onion, a pepper and a couple of small carrots; cleaned, washed, chopped, put on the fire with oil and spices (according to preference, salt, pepper or vegeta, basil, mint or thyme). Towards the end, a can of tomatoes in sauce.
In the pan, put some tomato sauce, then three layers of pasta and two of vegetables. Top with sliced ​​mozzarella. The sauce should cover the ingredients – although if it’s too much, it doesn’t help.
Bake until the mozzarella melts and the smell of the oven makes you die of appetite. 🙂
It is a creative way to introduce more whole grains into your diet. Plus a vegetarian recipe. 🙂
See here all the disasters in the kitchen.