You can find that great recipe online. I would have done it too, I just forgot to buy milk from the store. Well, I’ve been craving this cake since the heat started, but that doesn’t mean I’m also planned. :))) So I found myself in front of the heated oven, with some of the ingredients and the classic dilemma: what am I going to do? I am gonna look for another dough recipe, also a sponge cake, but with no egg whites and milk in it. The thing is I found something like that in an old recipe book. All good and beautiful until I started to measure the sugar, should have been a full cup, but I only put about 6 tablespoons. :)) So when I poured the flour, instead of a flowing dough, I’ve got a tart dough. :))) Eventually I seasoned it with half a yogurt and extra water and oil to make a super crafty dough, just not too sweet. :))))

Yellow and fluffy, more like muffins, who would have thought? :)) Of course the rhubarb went to the bottom and the meringue on top doesn’t really feel like a lot, because I didn’t use all of it, instead I made a tray of meringues (we will talk about meringues when they come out ok at least once …).

And is there anything left in the tray? No, because I shared it like brothers do. :))) (The family told me they insist I try another recipe next time. :))))
See here all the disasters in the kitchen. 🙂